Category: General Blogs


Now on Twitter

As the title says – I’m now on Twitter. For many out there this will be a so what moment. And you know what, that’s fine. I took the plunge today because every year...


Cork on the baseboard?

Always a contentious one that modellers can’t agree on. The theory says that covering a layout baseboard in cork reduces the rattle and running noise of trains. However in N Gauge it is felt...


Choosing A Baseboard For Your Layout

When it comes to choosing a baseboard for your new model railway layout, different modellers will have different considerations. Key factors in the choice are likely to include: Weight Cost & Budget Ease of...


Hello world!

Welcome to the archetypal WordPress welcome post. Over the years I have contributed to more blogs and websites on the topic of model railways than I care to remember.  Including a number of sites...