N Gauge Railway Modelling Blog


Ballasting, how to do it

Not a popular task with many modellers, ballasting however is essential. Here, I take you through how I do it. I’ve done this many times, and have learnt a lot along the way. Much...

Model railway workbench 0

Workshop is set up!

Finally after something of a hiatus, I have got myself in order and got back to modelling The last two years have seen a lot of change for me on a personal level. That’s...


No Ally Pally for me this year

So I find myself unexpectedly free tomorrow and thought, ooh I’ll got to the model railway show at Alexandra Palace. However, the railway gods have decided that is a silly idea. The exhibition at...

What’s been going on? 0

What’s been going on?

Seems like forever since I last posted an update. So here’s what been going on. Life has been busy the last few months, I’ve taken up an active volunteering role at the Mid Norfolk...


Back after a short absence

As you may have noticed, there has been a bit of a hiatus on this blog recently. Happily I am now back and writing a plenty, with a number of helpful articles lined up...